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Draft: SteelSeries Aerox 5 Wired Support resolves #4134

Initial commit for SteelSeries Aerox 5 Wired

  • Added new SteelSeriesAerox5Controller based on SteelSeriesAerox9Controller.
  • Updated SteelSeriesControllerDetect to include Aerox 5 PID.
  • Updated @detectors in RGBController_SteelSeriesRival3

Originally based this off the Aerox 9 controller, however during testing I noticed that adjustments through the OpenRGB UI were unreliable and often ignored. Introducing a 2ms delay after packet send fixed the issue.

A save packet was being sent with every request in the original controller, this wasn't necessary for the color/brightness changes to function so I removed it.

Save also does not appear to prevent the device defaulting to an unknown removed and re-inserted, so this might need further investigation. I observed similar behaviour when updating and saving through rivalcfg.

Checklist for Accepting a Merge Request for a New Device

  • The source branch of the merge request is not protected (master is protected by default when creating a fork, so it is recommended to not use it as your source).
  • The New Device issue raised for this device is linked to this MR with a keyword Closes / Resolves / Implements
  • There is a device protocol page in the Developer Wiki or there is enough information / captures in the New Device issue to provide ongoing support.
  • The code to be merged follows the style guide and change requirements as documented in the contributing guide.
  • Meta data for the device is included in RGBController_* file
  • This device is detected and is working on Windows 10 and / or 11
  • This device is detected and is working on Linux (Please specify distribution and releases tested)
  • Logging for Info, Warnings and Errors has been added for troubleshooting purposes

Merge request reports