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YAN-1724 added the ability to generate hardcoded output from the emulator...

Stephen Ord requested to merge yan-1724-multiple-recv-proc into master

YAN-1724 added the ability to generate hardcoded output from the emulator call. Should not be a breaking change. But it does change the way the command line for the sender is constructed. I have had to make some changes to the way the command is formed.

I have implemeneted a mode called "hardcoded" which can be set from a meta-data parameter.

It requires version 8.0.0 of the sender and 5.0.0 of the receiver. I have bumped the default version of the sender in the sender chart. I have overloaded the receiver.version parameter in the extra-helm-parameters of the processing block. Eventually I will bump the version in the Helm Deployer script.

This functionality is required becuase I need to deploy a multi-receiver test in SDP Integration. This needs a large number of channels/streams to run for an arbitrary length of time. These changes mean we can test without an input measurement set. The contents of these simulated sets are blank - so there use beyong interface testing is limited.

Merge request reports